Ryuugajou nanana no maizoukin episode 1 English dub
Ryuugajou nanana no maizoukin episode 1 English dub

ryuugajou nanana no maizoukin episode 1 English dub ryuugajou nanana no maizoukin episode 1 English dub

That would be the point where you will be amazed by her intelligence and cool. She has the minds of a Sherlock Holmes (and the hat too, LOL) yet she's also calculative and sneaky that unlike most female characters that would 'lose their cool and sacrifice everything to save the male mc in trouble', she kept her cool and negotiated with the enemy to drive the enemy off using mindgames and to save the male mc at the same time, yet in the end you realize she is just bluffing without any way to win the enemy up front whatsover. Next up master detective Tensai-sama is our main brain power besides Juugo. He may be badass when he needs to be, but he has a lot of weaknesses exploitable so that none of us will see him as OP (overpowered). This is also the first time the male MC is not 'all good' and instead has ulterior motives, although most of the part of the motive isn't bad either, he is really the first mc to be calculative, sneaky and can be wicked when he needs to be so.

ryuugajou nanana no maizoukin episode 1 English dub

You see him as a comic relief character and typical at first with looks that is easily forgettable, but once you start watching it you will realize that he has a working mind unlike most mc nowadays yet is not as OP as the ones i've listed above.

Ryuugajou nanana no maizoukin episode 1 English dub